Arab Region | Adjusted gender parity index, gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary general education (All Arab Countries, 1990-2020)
Adjusted gender parity index, gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary general education (All Arab Countries, 1990-2020)
Arab Development Portal
Arab Region
Arab Region | Adjusted gender parity index, gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary general education (All Arab Countries, 1990-2020)
Algeria 1991 0.82
Algeria 1996 0.94
Algeria 2000 1.17
Algeria 2002 1.12
Algeria 2005 1.14
Algeria 2007 1.26
Algeria 2008 1.28
Algeria 2014 1.18
Algeria 2018 1.22
Bahrain 1991 1.11
Bahrain 2002 1.1
Bahrain 2009 1.04
Bahrain 2016 0.99
Bahrain 2017 1.05
Comoros 1990 0.81
Comoros 2002 0.82
Djibouti 1999 0.68
Djibouti 2000 0.72
Djibouti 2005 0.63
Djibouti 2007 0.75
Djibouti 2008 0.76
Djibouti 2009 0.81
Djibouti 2012 0.93
Djibouti 2018 1.02
Egypt 1994 0.86
Egypt 2017 1.08
Iraq 1999 0.76
Jordan 2002 1.03
Jordan 2003 1.04
Jordan 2004 1.04
Jordan 2006 1.03
Jordan 2012 1.01
Jordan 2019 1.04
Kuwait 1994 1.02
Kuwait 2000 0.97
Kuwait 2003 0.95
Kuwait 2007 1.08
Kuwait 2008 1.12
Kuwait 2012 1.05
Kuwait 2019 1.14
Mauritania 1991 0.47
Mauritania 1993 0.51
Mauritania 1994 0.51
Mauritania 1995 0.62
Mauritania 2001 0.84
Mauritania 2004 0.75
Mauritania 2012 1.07
Morocco 1993 0.75
Morocco 1994 0.8
Morocco 2001 0.87
Morocco 2006 0.95
Morocco 2008 0.97
Morocco 2009 0.94
Morocco 2012 0.92
Morocco 2017 1.08
Morocco 2018 1.09
Palestine 2004 1.1
Palestine 2006 1.12
Palestine 2009 1.13
Palestine 2011 1.16
Palestine 2012 1.16
Palestine 2016 1.17
Palestine 2019 1.08
Oman 1990 0.73
Oman 1996 1.02
Oman 1997 1.09
Oman 2001 1.05
Oman 2012 1.01
Oman 2015 1
Qatar 1995 1.1
Qatar 2015 1.05
Qatar 2016 1.08
Qatar 2017 1.1
Qatar 2019 0.91
Saudi Arabia 2007 1
Saudi Arabia 2011 0.97
Saudi Arabia 2017 0.97
Saudi Arabia 2018 0.99
Saudi Arabia 2019 1.01
Sudan 2013 0.89
Sudan 2014 0.9
Sudan 2015 0.93
Syria 1993 0.85
Syria 2000 0.95
Syria 2007 1.05
Tunisia 1990 0.84
Tunisia 1993 0.89
Tunisia 1994 0.93
Tunisia 1997 1.02
Tunisia 2008 1.21
Tunisia 2014 1.21
Tunisia 2018 1.22
United Arab Emirates 1991 1.14
United Arab Emirates 2001 1.09
United Arab Emirates 2003 1.01
United Arab Emirates 2007 1.08
United Arab Emirates 2013 1.1
Yemen 1999 0.36
Yemen 2005 0.48
Yemen 2016 0.74
Arab Region | Adjusted gender parity index, gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary general education (All Arab Countries, 1990-2020)
Adjusted gender parity index, gross intake ratio to the last grade of lower secondary general education (All Arab Countries, 1990-2020)
Arab Development Portal
Arab Region