Europe & Central Asia | Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)
Turnover ratio is the value of domestic shares traded divided by their market capitalization. The value is annualized by multiplying the monthly average by 12. Development relevance: Stock market size can be measured in various ways, and each may produce a different ranking of countries. The development of an economy's financial markets is closely related to its overall development. Well-functioning financial systems provide good and easily accessible information which can lower transaction costs and subsequently improve resource allocation and boosts economic growth. Both banking systems and stock markets enhance growth, the main factor in poverty reduction. At low levels of economic development commercial banks tend to dominate the financial system, while at higher levels domestic stock markets tend to become more active and efficient relative to domestic banks. Open economies with sound macroeconomic policies, good legal systems, and shareholder protection attract capital and therefore have larger financial markets. Recent research on stock market development shows that modern communications technology and increased financial integration have resulted in more cross-border capital flows, a stronger presence of financial firms around the world, and the migration of stock exchange activities to international exchanges. Many firms in emerging markets now cross-list on international exchanges, which provides them with lower cost capital and more liquidity-traded shares. However, this also means that exchanges in emerging markets may not have enough financial activity to sustain them, putting pressure on them to rethink their operations. Limitations and exceptions: Data cover measures of size (market capitalization, number of listed domestic companies) and liquidity (value of shares traded as a percentage of gross domestic product, value of shares traded as a percentage of market capitalization). The comparability of such data across countries may be limited by conceptual and statistical weaknesses, such as inaccurate reporting and differences in accounting standards. Only domestic shares are used in order to be consistent with domestic market capitalization. Statistical concept and methodology: Turnover ratio is the value of electronic order book (EOB) domestic shares traded divided by their market capitalization. The value is annualized by multiplying the monthly average by 12, according to the following formula: (Monthly EOB domestic shares traded / Month-end domestic market capitalization) x 12.
The World Bank
Europe & Central Asia
Europe & Central Asia | Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)
1976 36.34900928
1977 28.28529459
1978 28.03561666
1979 49.27483702
1980 51.26250044
1981 39.12013652
1982 17.98274517
1983 46.97369739
1984 44.68445468
1985 46.24572609
1986 40.63201864
1987 103.67294788
1988 68.55146585
1989 59.45342517
1990 71.58823281
1991 45.12096115
1992 47.5094089
1993 50.39932742
1994 59.05362174
1995 53.86912784
1996 43.24804036
1997 62.3845454
1998 98.89697669
1999 69.05008934
2000 103.85302635
2001 108.49707832
2002 88.31601761
2003 72.37944836
2004 71.66758353
2005 72.09472173
2006 80.99338927
2007 116.18284887
2008 191.95749854
2009 91.67726996
2010 91.13413987
2011 98.2179866
2012 69.47613823
2013 54.89227144
2014 75.27673426
2015 73.60440473
2018 73.31477976
2019 54.59677873
2020 73.76332014
Europe & Central Asia | Stocks traded, turnover ratio of domestic shares (%)
Turnover ratio is the value of domestic shares traded divided by their market capitalization. The value is annualized by multiplying the monthly average by 12. Development relevance: Stock market size can be measured in various ways, and each may produce a different ranking of countries. The development of an economy's financial markets is closely related to its overall development. Well-functioning financial systems provide good and easily accessible information which can lower transaction costs and subsequently improve resource allocation and boosts economic growth. Both banking systems and stock markets enhance growth, the main factor in poverty reduction. At low levels of economic development commercial banks tend to dominate the financial system, while at higher levels domestic stock markets tend to become more active and efficient relative to domestic banks. Open economies with sound macroeconomic policies, good legal systems, and shareholder protection attract capital and therefore have larger financial markets. Recent research on stock market development shows that modern communications technology and increased financial integration have resulted in more cross-border capital flows, a stronger presence of financial firms around the world, and the migration of stock exchange activities to international exchanges. Many firms in emerging markets now cross-list on international exchanges, which provides them with lower cost capital and more liquidity-traded shares. However, this also means that exchanges in emerging markets may not have enough financial activity to sustain them, putting pressure on them to rethink their operations. Limitations and exceptions: Data cover measures of size (market capitalization, number of listed domestic companies) and liquidity (value of shares traded as a percentage of gross domestic product, value of shares traded as a percentage of market capitalization). The comparability of such data across countries may be limited by conceptual and statistical weaknesses, such as inaccurate reporting and differences in accounting standards. Only domestic shares are used in order to be consistent with domestic market capitalization. Statistical concept and methodology: Turnover ratio is the value of electronic order book (EOB) domestic shares traded divided by their market capitalization. The value is annualized by multiplying the monthly average by 12, according to the following formula: (Monthly EOB domestic shares traded / Month-end domestic market capitalization) x 12.
The World Bank
Europe & Central Asia