Kuwait | Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank
Voice and Accountability captures perceptions of the extent to which a country's citizens are able to participate in selecting their government, as well as freedom of expression, freedom of association, and a free media. Percentile rank indicates the country's rank among all countries covered by the aggregate indicator, with 0 corresponding to lowest rank, and 100 to highest rank. Percentile ranks have been adjusted to correct for changes over time in the composition of the countries covered by the WGI.
The World Bank
State of Kuwait
Kuwait | Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank
1996 41.5
1998 41.29353333
2000 39.80099487
2002 39.80099487
2003 38.30845642
2004 39.90384674
2005 33.65384674
2006 30.76922989
2007 32.21154022
2008 30.28846169
2009 31.7535553
2010 30.33175278
2011 30.04694748
2012 27.69952965
2013 28.16901398
2014 28.5714283
2015 28.07881737
2016 29.06403923
2017 30.54187202
2018 30.09708786
2019 28.5024147
2020 29.95169067
2021 29.95169067
2022 29.46859932
Kuwait | Voice and Accountability: Percentile Rank
Voice and Accountability captures perceptions of the extent to which a country's citizens are able to participate in selecting their government, as well as freedom of expression, freedom of association, and a free media. Percentile rank indicates the country's rank among all countries covered by the aggregate indicator, with 0 corresponding to lowest rank, and 100 to highest rank. Percentile ranks have been adjusted to correct for changes over time in the composition of the countries covered by the WGI.
The World Bank
State of Kuwait