Urban population (% of total population)
Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. The data are collected and smoothed by United Nations Population Division. Development relevance: Explosive growth of cities globally signifies the demographic transition from rural to urban, and is associated with shifts from an agriculture-based economy to mass industry, technology, and service. In principle, cities offer a more favorable setting for the resolution of social and environmental problems than rural areas. Cities generate jobs and income, and deliver education, health care and other services. Cities also present opportunities for social mobilization and women's empowerment. Limitations and exceptions: Aggregation of urban and rural population may not add up to total population because of different country coverage. There is no consistent and universally accepted standard for distinguishing urban from rural areas, in part because of the wide variety of situations across countries. Most countries use an urban classification related to the size or characteristics of settlements. Some define urban areas based on the presence of certain infrastructure and services. And other countries designate urban areas based on administrative arrangements. Because of national differences in the characteristics that distinguish urban from rural areas, the distinction between urban and rural population is not amenable to a single definition that would be applicable to all countries. Estimates of the world's urban population would change significantly if China, India, and a few other populous nations were to change their definition of urban centers. Because the estimates of city and metropolitan area are based on national definitions of what constitutes a city or metropolitan area, cross-country comparisons should be made with caution. Statistical concept and methodology: Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. The indicator is calculated using World Bank population estimates and urban ratios from the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. Percentages urban are the numbers of persons residing in an area defined as ''urban'' per 100 total population. Particular caution should be used in interpreting the figures for percentage urban for different countries. Countries differ in the way they classify population as "urban" or "rural." The population of a city or metropolitan area depends on the boundaries chosen.
The World Bank
Urban population (% of total population)
1961 10.971 MDG
2020 66.652 CPV
2020 82.54 DOM
2020 77.23162312 EMU
2020 80.54362111 HIC
2020 51.40340613 IBT
2020 93.898 ISL
2020 55.594 KIR
2020 80.69204388 LAC
2020 78.297 PER
2020 47.408 PHL
2020 60.043 POL
2020 46.141 SOM
2020 20.199 SSD
2020 34.89320579 TSA
2020 82.664 USA
2021 59.29488647 ARB
2021 62.68999647 CEB
2021 31.012 CHI
2021 81.425 CRI
2021 100 CYM
2021 88.24 DNK
2021 58.37381669 EAP
2021 42.862 EGY
2021 81.242 FRA
2021 42.583 FRO
2021 100 GIB
2021 57.964 HTI
2021 IDB
2021 91.672 LUX
2021 67.826 MNE
2021 13.456 PNG
2021 81.85057908 PST
2021 48.6 SEN
2021 55.427 SVN
2021 24.369 SWZ
2021 43.358 TGO
2021 38.546 YEM
2022 92.347 ARG
2022 86.488 AUS
2022 49.841 BIH
2022 46.8104481 CSS
2022 71.7 DMA
2022 45.041 GNB
2022 35.872 IND
2022 65.65390071 LTE
2022 100 MAC
2022 66.09023358 MEA
2022 45.437 MLI
2022 91.983 MNP
2022 56.923 MRT
2022 53.521 NGA
2022 21.451 NPL
2022 13.582 PNG
2022 62.17 PYF
2022 54.60676042 SST
2022 59.1808232 TEA
2022 53.34 TTO
2022 32.395 ZWE
2023 50.269 BIH
2023 71.186 BOL
2023 87.788 BRA
2023 31.425 BRB
2023 44.35 BTN
2023 74.202 CHE
2023 69.188 COG
2023 IBD
2023 57.378 JAM
2023 58.179 KAZ
2023 100 MCO
2023 78.868 MHL
2023 54.2414098 MIC
2023 88.4 OMN
2023 82.408 PLW
2023 47.92 SOM
2023 62.62799103 TMN
2023 53.439 TTO
2023 70.544 TUN
2023 77.463 TUR
2023 66.241 TUV
2023 37.409 TZA
2023 26.771 UGA
2023 70.095 UKR
2023 68.7076785 UMC
2023 95.771 URY
2023 83.298 USA
2023 50.532 UZB
2023 54.299 VCT
2023 88.438 VEN
2023 49.748 VGB
2023 96.227 VIR
2023 39.48 VNM
2023 25.976 VUT
2023 57.33716155 WLD
2023 17.508 WSM
2023 XKX
2023 39.831 YEM
2023 68.819 ZAF
2023 46.335 ZMB
2023 32.517 ZWE
Urban population (% of total population)
Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. The data are collected and smoothed by United Nations Population Division. Development relevance: Explosive growth of cities globally signifies the demographic transition from rural to urban, and is associated with shifts from an agriculture-based economy to mass industry, technology, and service. In principle, cities offer a more favorable setting for the resolution of social and environmental problems than rural areas. Cities generate jobs and income, and deliver education, health care and other services. Cities also present opportunities for social mobilization and women's empowerment. Limitations and exceptions: Aggregation of urban and rural population may not add up to total population because of different country coverage. There is no consistent and universally accepted standard for distinguishing urban from rural areas, in part because of the wide variety of situations across countries. Most countries use an urban classification related to the size or characteristics of settlements. Some define urban areas based on the presence of certain infrastructure and services. And other countries designate urban areas based on administrative arrangements. Because of national differences in the characteristics that distinguish urban from rural areas, the distinction between urban and rural population is not amenable to a single definition that would be applicable to all countries. Estimates of the world's urban population would change significantly if China, India, and a few other populous nations were to change their definition of urban centers. Because the estimates of city and metropolitan area are based on national definitions of what constitutes a city or metropolitan area, cross-country comparisons should be made with caution. Statistical concept and methodology: Urban population refers to people living in urban areas as defined by national statistical offices. The indicator is calculated using World Bank population estimates and urban ratios from the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects. Percentages urban are the numbers of persons residing in an area defined as ''urban'' per 100 total population. Particular caution should be used in interpreting the figures for percentage urban for different countries. Countries differ in the way they classify population as "urban" or "rural." The population of a city or metropolitan area depends on the boundaries chosen.
The World Bank