MATCH path=(a1)-[:ALIAS_OF]-(p1:Profile)-[r]-(p2:Profile)-[:ALIAS_OF]-(a2) 
WHERE a1.raw_content = "IRAN AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIAL COMPANY" and (a2)--()--(:PartyType{raw_content:"Individual"})                            
RETURN path limit 100

Relations between “IRAN AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIAL COMPANY” and other sanctioned Individuals

Created at

2024-06-17 09:23



Iran Aircraft Manufacturing Industries Corporation (HESA) is an Iranian company specialized in manufacturing military and civilian aircraft. It is used by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and is involved in research, development, production, and flight operations for UAVs. HESA is a subsidiary of the Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO), a state-owned enterprise subordinate to the Iranian Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics (MODAFL).