China's labor force in two decades

China's labor force is considered the largest in the world in terms of number of individuals, and according to World Bank statistics, it will exceed 781 million workers by 2022. The growth of the Chinese labor force has been continuous and this trend has become evident in recent years.
Query Tab distinguishes a series of observations about the labor force in China through these statistics and comparisons obtained from the World Bank, reviewing and analyzing them in a way that provides various economic and social insights.
Looking at the trend of China's labor force growth over the past 22 years, it appears that the shape of the curve has changed. From 2000 to 2006, it was steeply rising, with an annual increase of 5 to 8 million people. Since 2011, the increase has fluctuated around 1 million per year, in addition to years of significant decline. We are not only talking about the decrease associated with the spread of the COVID-19 virus and its strong impact on the labor sector. Between 2016 and 2019, the decline exceeded 5.2 million.
China - Labor force, total
Recent changes have primarily resulted in a decline in the population that traditionally constitutes the working age group, which can be observed through detailed indicators related to population growth, such as the population change indicator for the "15-64" age group. By 2022, the number of people in this category in China became lower than in 2001.
China-Population ages 15-64 (% of total population)
The recent decline in the labor force, which started in recent years, is similar to an earlier decline in the participation rate of working-age groups, both men and women. The participation rate of women in the 15-64 age group, i.e. those who are employed or actively seeking employment in some way, experienced a decline that stopped in 2010, followed by a new decline coinciding with the spread of the COVID-19 virus. For men in the same age group, the decline in the participation rate continues.
China - China-Labor force participation rate, male/female (% of population ages 15-64)
Unemployment Rate
China is not considered a high unemployment country, and its unemployment rates are lower than the global average each year. However, the unemployment rate among the labor force experiences continuous fluctuations from year to year, although increases generally dominate. The unemployment rate in 2022 is double what it was in 2000.
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) world/China 2017-2021
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) China
It should be noted that unemployment does not directly indicate its impact on the economy. The increase in unemployment rates is not necessarily directly related to development. According to the World Bank, an increase in the unemployment rate can sometimes be a good indicator of development, while its decrease can correspond to an increase in the poverty rate in some countries. In some countries, the percentage may increase because those who are in the labor force may remain without work, as they may receive social and economic support while they find better employment. In other countries, work may not be economically sufficient for the individual and may not be associated with good social security, but the individual is still considered part of the labor force.
The unemployment rate for Chinese women is lower than for men.
China- Unemployment male/Female (% of labor force)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is considered one of the most important indicators in assessing the economic and social situation of a country. It reflects the level of an individual's contribution to the total GDP and evaluates purchasing power. It also indicates the country's economic capacity to provide decent employment opportunities with fair wages that allow individuals to achieve self-sufficiency.
In China, as in most major industrialized countries, GDP per capita for the working individual is increasing every year. This progression is logical given increasing production and a growing labor force. However, when China's annual GDP per capita is compared with that of other countries, it appears that China is not among the countries with high individual GDP per capita.
China - GDP per person employed (constant 2017 PPP $)
GDP per person employed (constant 2017 PPP $) word/ The European Union /USA/China/Japan/Egypt
Armed Forces
The indicator of the share of military personnel and Armed forces in the total labor force of a country is of the utmost importance both militarily and economically. It reflects not only the military strength of the country and its ability to defend itself or to wage and sustain wars, but also the level of military spending. Military spending is one of the most costly and economically burdensome aspects, so reductions in Armed forces may indicate economic downturns or policies aimed at reducing military spending and redirecting it toward development in other areas.
In China, there has been a trend over the past two decades to reduce Armed forces.
China - Armed forces (% of total labor force)
Comparisons with the United States in this context can provide both economic and strategic insights.
USA/China - Armed forces (% of total labor force)